
Welcome to E.T.L. Moçambique LDA website! We hope you will enjoy browsing through our website, and that you will find a lot of useful information here. We pay great attention to the quality of our products and services. You can find detailed information about our products and services.

E.T.L. Moçambique LDA is a local company established in Mozambique by ClarineT SRL (Italy), Peyrani Trasporti SPA (Italy) and G.F.G. LDA (Mozambique).

E.T.L. Moçambique LDA with support of founding Partners can provide a wide range of valuable services to Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power and Telecommunication Industries from the initial evaluation phase through design, construction, commissioning, operations and to the decommissioning of plant, equipment and infrastructure. E.T.L. Moçambique LDA, capitalizing on Partner's experience, is fully committed to offer state of the art, value added services, and expertise to maximize the value for our clients’ investments.

At E.T.L. Moçambique LDA while providing our services we always focus our attention on Customers satisfaction, HSE-Q excellence and people's skills and experience.

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